1. Cho hàm số f(x) thỏa mãn (f'(x))^2+f(x).f''(x)=x^3-2x,∀x∈Rvà f(0)=f' (0)=1.Tính T=f^2 (2) Vi phân

    Cho hàm số f(x) thỏa mãn (f'(x))^2+f(x).f''(x)=x^3-2x,∀x∈Rvà f(0)=f' (0)=1.Tính T=f^2 (2) Vi phân

  2. Ed Trask time lapse doing his thing at the 2022 RVA Street Art Festival here in Richmond VA.

    Ed Trask time lapse doing his thing at the 2022 RVA Street Art Festival here in Richmond VA.

  3. Timelapse Magic: RVA Street Art Festival 2022 | A Decade of Colors at the Power Plant

    Timelapse Magic: RVA Street Art Festival 2022 | A Decade of Colors at the Power Plant
