1. Pokemon Emerald ReSprited - GBA ROM Hack, 386 Pokemon have new sprites, 1/512 Shiny Rate

    Pokemon Emerald ReSprited - GBA ROM Hack, 386 Pokemon have new sprites, 1/512 Shiny Rate

  2. Pokemon Emerald X2 - Simple doubles GBA Hack ROM with some small and large map changes

    Pokemon Emerald X2 - Simple doubles GBA Hack ROM with some small and large map changes

  3. Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 11: Post-Game Content Galore

    Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 11: Post-Game Content Galore

  4. Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - GBA ROM Hack, Bring old Gameboy games and SNES RPGs style back

    Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - GBA ROM Hack, Bring old Gameboy games and SNES RPGs style back

  5. ZuperNEZ plays Pokemon Emerald Episode 18: Come What May

    ZuperNEZ plays Pokemon Emerald Episode 18: Come What May

  6. Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 5: An Evolutionary Trifecta

    Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 5: An Evolutionary Trifecta

  7. Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 9: Too Much Water

    Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 9: Too Much Water

  8. Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 10: Latios, Amigos!

    Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 10: Latios, Amigos!

  9. Myrmidon Rising - Hurricane Milton pre-party Stream - Pokemon Emerald Rogue

    Myrmidon Rising - Hurricane Milton pre-party Stream - Pokemon Emerald Rogue

  10. Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 1: Enter the Dragon

    Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 1: Enter the Dragon

  11. Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 2: Well Wishes, Wishing Wells

    Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 2: Well Wishes, Wishing Wells

  12. Pokemon Better than Better Emerald 2 - GBA Hack ROM with new story, new region by Hupla21

    Pokemon Better than Better Emerald 2 - GBA Hack ROM with new story, new region by Hupla21

  13. Pokemon Beta Emerald Down + Dirty - GBA ROM Hack you can catch all leaked Gen 3 beta Pokemon

    Pokemon Beta Emerald Down + Dirty - GBA ROM Hack you can catch all leaked Gen 3 beta Pokemon

  14. Pokemon Recharged Emerald - QoL ROM Hack following Pokemon, difficulty and challenging modes

    Pokemon Recharged Emerald - QoL ROM Hack following Pokemon, difficulty and challenging modes

  15. Let's Play! Pokémon Emerald Legacy part 4 PASSION BURN FLANNERY!!!

    Let's Play! Pokémon Emerald Legacy part 4 PASSION BURN FLANNERY!!!

  16. Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 4: Pinball Protagonist

    Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 4: Pinball Protagonist

  17. Pokemon Emerald Competitive Gyms LV100 OU3 - GBA ROM Hack No Story, Just Battles OU3

    Pokemon Emerald Competitive Gyms LV100 OU3 - GBA ROM Hack No Story, Just Battles OU3

  18. ZuperNEZ plays Pokemon Emerald Episode 24: Joy of Water Pokemon

    ZuperNEZ plays Pokemon Emerald Episode 24: Joy of Water Pokemon

  19. ZuperNEZ play Pokemon Emerald Episode 25: Exploud and Clear

    ZuperNEZ play Pokemon Emerald Episode 25: Exploud and Clear

  20. Pokemon Hyper Emerald V.5 Lost Artifacts English - GBA ROM Hack has Mega Evo, Z-moves, Gigantamax

    Pokemon Hyper Emerald V.5 Lost Artifacts English - GBA ROM Hack has Mega Evo, Z-moves, Gigantamax

  21. Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 8: Coming Out Of Your Shellgon

    Pokemon Emerald Seaglass - Dragon Monotype, Episode 8: Coming Out Of Your Shellgon

  22. Pokemon Black Pearl Emerald - GBA ROM Hack has 9 starters, mega evolutions, nozlocke, pocket pc

    Pokemon Black Pearl Emerald - GBA ROM Hack has 9 starters, mega evolutions, nozlocke, pocket pc
