CERN | Why Does CERN Have a 666 Logo? Why Is a SHIVA (The god of Destruction) Statue Located In Front of CERN? Why Is CERN Located In Geneva? Why Is the World Economic Forum Located In Geneva?
Judy Byington. Restored Republic via a GCR ~ Situation Update Jan 29 ~ Trump Turns On Water In LA, 75K Children Rescued, Gene Decode War Update - Benjamin Fulford
Alex Jones | "And Joe Rogan Is About to Come Out About This. We Have Bigger Audiences That Hollywood." - Alex Jones | "CORONA = 666. CERN Is 666. Where Are All These Idiots Located? Geneva, Switzerland."
Geneva, Switzerland | Why Is CERN, the WHO, the WEF, GAVI & the U.N. Located In Geneva? "Everything In the World Related to Democide Is Located In Geneva." - Pascal Najadi (Son of WEF Co-Founder) | Rev 2:13
Oliver Anthony | Oliver Anthony Reads Psalm 37:12-20 | It's Now 600 Highly Educated People Located Around the World Particularly In Geneva Where Our Headquarters Is. This Is Disturbing for Many People." | The Great Reset Vs. America First
Geneva, Switzerland | Why Is CERN, the WHO, the WEF, GAVI & the U.N. Located In Geneva? "Everything In the World Related to Democide Is Located In Geneva." - Pascal Najadi (Son of WEF Co-Founder) | Rev 2:13 + Revelation 16:12-14 + The End Ti
Geneva | Does the Bible Say Satan Dwells In Geneva, Switzerland? (READ: Revelation 9:11 & Rev 2:13) | Why Are CERN, the World Health Organization, the United Nations & the Google Quantum Computer All Located In Geneva?
Geneva, Switzerland | Why Are CERN, the World Economic Forum, a Statue of Shiva, the Google Quantum Computer, the World Health Organization & GAVI All Located In Geneva, Switzerland? Final ReAwaken Tour Detroit, MI (June 7-8 2024)