We should talk about the reality of the "ALTERNATIVE" Media and The REAL REASON For Karen Kingston's Situation - 802.15.6 (WBAN) IEEE Working Group! NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT ASK YOURSELF WHY?🤫
COVID-19 Shots | "We Are Seeing the Highest Death Rates We Have Ever Seen In This Business. Death Rates Are Up 40%. This Is Primarily Working Age People. Deaths Are Up Huge, Huge Numbers." - J. Scott Davison (One America Chairman and President)
Look at the "Good Doctors" & ALT "Medias" Then Look At The Description Of Every One Of My 4000+ Videos On This Channel! - SEE THE DIFFERENCE 4 YOURSELF! REAL FROM FAKE! 😂
2013 - Wirelessly interconnected nanorobots,1 i.e., devices of sizes ranging from one to a few hundred nanometers, are a promising solution for remote and distributed medical diagnosis and treatment of major diseases