While hiding from the press, "a fearless advocate & champion" Kamala has the courage to meet with high school kids and go full kindergarten teacher mode explaining what "teamwork" means.
Biden's Press Sec on the Biden White House being in "full-blown freak out mode" as Biden's polling continues to tank: "What are you talking about?.. what are you talking about?.. Peter!"
The Biden Clown Show Must Go On: "I think of you as my domestic NATO. Not a joke. We're going to give working people a shot. When I was a kid someone lived with us full time. I wonder how my dad handles in walls. Think about it."
Hilarious Biden campaign ad shows Joe as full of energy spring chicken: "My message to the American people is this - we can't do this, we can't deliver real results to real people!.. That's how we make money!"
Reporter: "Will you be serving your full 4 year term or handing over power to VP?" Biden: "Are you okay? Are you alright? You're not hurt are you? Did you fall on your head or something?" His fellow Democrats laugh.
Trying to make fun of Trump, Biden couldn't even make this 14 sec full of BS video in 1 take, so it's been done with multiple cuts: "Trump lost 2 debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate..."
Biden 2020 to a Detroit plant worker confronting him on gun confiscation: "You're full of shit... I'm not working for you! Give me a break! Don't be such a horse's ass!"