Scientists Warn Millions Are HIV Positive Due to ‘Tainted mRNA’ in Food Supply/New Fire EXPLODES “Out of Nowhere” in the Hollywood Hills /One in Seven Pakistani Muslims in Certain UK Communities Participated in Grooming and Gang Rapes/Canadian Doc
Canadian Family Seek Asylum in U.S. After Trudeau Regime Threatens to Euthanize Disabled Son/President Trump Announces DEAL FOR HOSTAGES IN THE MIDDLE EAST /Russia’s FM Says Biden Is Trying To Spoil Everything Before Trump Arrives
Godfather of AI’ Predicts Humans Will Become Extinct by 2030/Sweden Starts to Search for Extra Cemetery Space in Case of War/Elon Musk: ‘F**k Yourself in the Face’ if You Want to End H-1B Visas/Canadian Parliamentary Committee Will Convene Early Jan
Florida Democrat State Rep. Hillary Cassel Flips to Republican Party/Canadian ‘Shark Tank’ Star Kevin O’Leary Says He’s Going to Mar-a-Lago to Convince Trump to Merge US and Canada/Kamala Harris to Certify Trump’s Win on January 6 After The Hill
FBI Seize Diddy ‘Freak Off’ Tapes Featuring Prince Harry in Illegal Acts/Teenage Girl Who Helped Beat Disabled Man to Death in DC Says She Did It Because She Was ‘Bored’/Canadian Woman Begs Trudeau Regime To Stop Trying To Euthanize Her Healthy Fa
Why are Michelle and Barack Obama so closely linked to rapists and sex traffickers?/Lawmakers Prepare for ‘Mass Casualty’ Event, /Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Zoom Call With Hollywood Celebrities and Social Media Influencers To