[With Subtitles] In the Globalist Transition From Dominant Western Economies Into Global BRICS Dominance 🚨BRICS+ Massive Expansion Signals Western Policies "Failed", Iran in BRICS |Prof. Mohammad Marandi
De-Dollarization | Does France Want to Join BRICS? Why Does Emmanuel Macron Want the South African President to Invite Him to the 2023 BRICS Summit? Egypt Becomes the Latest Nation to Formally Apply for BRICS Membership.
Digital Passports | Mark of the Beast System | Is the W.H.O. Digital Health Certificate Coming Soon?! Is BRICS Announcing Expanded Membership & the Introduction of a Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency Soon?! - Harari, Blair & Tedros
De-Dollarization | The BRICS Summit to Be Held August 2023 to Discuss, Creating New Gold-Backed Reserve Currency & New Membership Bids From 19+ Nations Before Summit