Mike Adams | Ye (Kanye) Said What? What Are Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab Planning? What Will CBDCs Do to America? Why Is Mike Adams Learning to Train Dogs?
Liz Crokin | JPMorgan Alerted US Gov to $1B of Jeffrey Epstein Transactions Linked to ‘Human Trafficking’ + PizzaGate? Why Were Clintons, Gates, MIT & Epstein Connected? Obama Orders $65K of Pizza / Hot Dogs? 32 Examples of Disney Sickness
Meltdown Over Non-Endorsements From WaPo & LA Times; Why Can't The U.S. Count Votes In One Night? Former Addict Saved By Mission To Rescue Street Dogs | SYSTEM UPDATE #358
Liz Crokin | JPMorgan Alerted US Gov to $1B of Jeffrey Epstein Transactions Linked to ‘Human Trafficking’ + PizzaGate? Why Were Clintons, Gates, MIT & Epstein Connected? Obama Orders $65K of Pizza / Hot Dogs? 32 Examples of Disney Sickness