1 year agoFor the record, lawful Americans celebrate the #SecondAmendment every damn dayRolling With You
1 year agoJoin the conversation!🗣️🇺🇸 #SecondAmendment #Constitution #Government #Love my #Community #RepostRepElijahPierick
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #california #gunban #2a #2ndammendment #secondamendment #gunrightsDocReichenbach
1 year agoIts only a gun-free zone if I'm not there, Baby! #gunrights #secondamendmentMOFirearmsCoalition
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #guns #gunrights #gunlaws #gunrules #2a #2ndammendment #secondamendmentDocReichenbach
1 year agoIts only a gun-free zone if I'm not there, Baby! #gunrights #secondamendmentGeorgiaGunOwners
1 year ago2nd protects all others #shorts #secondamendment #politics #everytown #democrats #gunlaw #guncontrolSOEtacticalgear
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #illegalimmigrants #openborders #homeowner #selfdefense #secondamendment #2aDocReichenbach
1 year agoDefending our rights, preserving our freedom! #gunrights #SecondAmendment #ResponsibleGunOwnershipDcrypTos
1 year agoIts only a gun-free zone if I'm not there, Baby! #gunrights #secondamendmentWashingtonGunRights
1 year agoIts only a gun-free zone if I'm not there, Baby! #gunrights #secondamendmentWyomingGunOwners
1 year agoIts only a gun-free zone if I'm not there, Baby! #gunrights #secondamendmentNewYorkStateFirearmsAssociation
1 year agoIts only a gun-free zone if I'm not there, Baby! #gunrights #secondamendmentIndianaFirearmsCoalition
2 years agoAWR Hawkins: People You Vote for to Protect Gun Rights, Are Now Voting for Gun Control [MIRROR]Elections Voting Candidates Elected Officials
5 months agoGun Violence: Is It A Key Issue in the 2024 Presidential Election?TheArmedCatholicVerified
4 months ago2024 VP Debate Showdown: Guns, Border Security & Gun Control PoliciesTheArmedCatholicVerified