1 month agoRabbi Yaron Reuven | Lending money by Jews is a justification by non Jews to go against JewsJ_Edu4u
2 years agoRabbi Yaron Reuven: The serpent had intimacy with Eve but the demons came from AdamAdamToMashiach
1 month agoRabbi Yaron Reuven: If you don't keep Shabbat, you are considered less than a GentileJ_Edu4u
1 month agoRabbi Yaron Reuven | Hashem does not allow Esav to hurt Yaakov unless Yaakov acts like EsavJ_Edu4u
1 month agoRabbi Yaron Reuven: One of the leaders of the Enlightenment movement...Moses MendelssohnJ_Edu4u