1. You are not the only guy your girl talks to. Their Inboxes are full of messages from thirsty guys

    You are not the only guy your girl talks to. Their Inboxes are full of messages from thirsty guys

  2. Partying with the girls at Orange pub jaco beach costa rica work hard, play hard

    Partying with the girls at Orange pub jaco beach costa rica work hard, play hard

  3. Travelling alone to jaco costa rica not knowing anything or anyone & the importance of connections

    Travelling alone to jaco costa rica not knowing anything or anyone & the importance of connections

  4. Stopping by the Jaco letters to take pics with the girls Costa Rica

    Stopping by the Jaco letters to take pics with the girls Costa Rica

  5. The girls took me to try out the Jardin soda (restaurant) Jaco Beach Costa Rica

    The girls took me to try out the Jardin soda (restaurant) Jaco Beach Costa Rica

  6. Atv excursion into the mountains of jaco costa rica & stopping by a waterfall

    Atv excursion into the mountains of jaco costa rica & stopping by a waterfall

  7. Trying an authentic soda (restaurant) in jaco costa rica. the waitresses are all pretty like her

    Trying an authentic soda (restaurant) in jaco costa rica. the waitresses are all pretty like her

  8. Set up your life to a point where you have what you wished for in the past, and keep going

    Set up your life to a point where you have what you wished for in the past, and keep going

  9. NBA Youngboy Won't Step On Me Lyrics #youngboyneverbrokeagain #youngboy #youngboyunreleased

    NBA Youngboy Won't Step On Me Lyrics #youngboyneverbrokeagain #youngboy #youngboyunreleased

  10. Asking locals from playa del Carmen recommendations for things to do most tourists don’t know about

    Asking locals from playa del Carmen recommendations for things to do most tourists don’t know about

  11. Dan bilzerian book the set up chapters 1-3 summary and prologue with my tips and story

    Dan bilzerian book the set up chapters 1-3 summary and prologue with my tips and story

  12. Passport Hack: How to renew or get your passport super fast (1-2days) instead of months

    Passport Hack: How to renew or get your passport super fast (1-2days) instead of months

  13. Tricks hooters girls, waitresses, bartenders do to tease & get more tips from you. Don’t fall for it

    Tricks hooters girls, waitresses, bartenders do to tease & get more tips from you. Don’t fall for it

  14. The real fountain of youth: how young girls and fitness reverse aging 👯‍♀️🏋️

    The real fountain of youth: how young girls and fitness reverse aging 👯‍♀️🏋️

  15. Girls showing themselves peaking in high school versus now New Tik Tok Glow Down challenge

    Girls showing themselves peaking in high school versus now New Tik Tok Glow Down challenge

  16. My neighbors coming over rolling a blunt for us to smoke

    My neighbors coming over rolling a blunt for us to smoke

  17. Important Safety tip & warning for visiting Jaco Beach Cocal Casino or San Jose Costa Rica

    Important Safety tip & warning for visiting Jaco Beach Cocal Casino or San Jose Costa Rica

  18. New scam/trick in Zona Norte Tijuana Hong Kong girls are all saying 👯‍♀️😂 Adelitas & chicago club

    New scam/trick in Zona Norte Tijuana Hong Kong girls are all saying 👯‍♀️😂 Adelitas & chicago club

  19. Why passport Bros are leaving to find love abroad in Philippines Thailand & Latin America 👯‍♀️

    Why passport Bros are leaving to find love abroad in Philippines Thailand & Latin America 👯‍♀️

  20. Gold digger Red flags before getting married to a girl who does not want to sign a prenup

    Gold digger Red flags before getting married to a girl who does not want to sign a prenup

  21. My ass-istant rolling a joint for us

    My ass-istant rolling a joint for us

  22. Which is better Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, or Tulum? Top tips & What I like and don’t like about each

    Which is better Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, or Tulum? Top tips & What I like and don’t like about each
