Alex Jones | "We Are Going to Help This Country March Forward to Victory." - General Flynn + "Before the Flood, the Earth Was Filled With Perpetual Violence & Wickedness & the Word for Perpetual Violence & Wickedness In Hebrew I
Barack Obama | In 2008 It Became Really Clear That BARACK OBAMA Had Been Having Sex W/ Men & Smoking Crack. And a Guy Came Forward Larry Sinclair & Said I'll Sign An Affidavit." - Tucker Carlson
Dr. Judy Mikovits + Mel K | What In the World Is Going On?! + Rogan, Tom Renz, Donald J. Trump & Yuval Noah Harari "We Need to Look Forward & Try to Establish a New Order for the 21st Century." - Harari + Charlie Kirk Celebrates Musk?
What In the World Is Going On?! Joe Rogan, Tom Renz, Donald J. Trump & Yuval Noah Harari + "The Old Systems of the World Are Becoming Dysfunctional, We Need to Look Forward & Try to Establish a New Order for the 21st Century." - Yuval
Dollar Collapse | "A Decline of the Dollar Is Necessary. China Will Emerge As Motor Replacing the U.S. Consumer. China Will Be the Engine Driving It Forward. There We Be A Slow Decline In the Value of the Dollar." - George Soros (2009)
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Old Systems of the World Are Becoming Dysfunctional & Are Crumbling. We Can't Really Try to Go Back to Some Previous Golden Age. We Need to Look Forward & to Establish a New System & a New Order for the 21st