"Safe and Effective" - The FDA Was Presented With Tens of Thousands of Adverse Events While Approving the COVID Jab "These are tens of thousands of people hurt or missing... serious outcomes... This was private; they didn't tell us.
Dr. Judy Mikovitz - Moleqcular biologist and medical researcher The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions.
Amsterdam Comes Out Strong for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom 🇳🇱 All over the world, people are becoming increasingly fed up with their governments telling them what to do.
A week after Rebel News reported on his connections to the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Peter Jüni announced he's taking a job at Oxford University in England. RUN RATS RUN!
Dr. Robert Malone: COVID Is Just a Skirmish—We Have a Much Bigger Problem "[The WEF] has a clear agenda which is not aligned with the U.S. Constitution... They are actively trying to advance the cause of a one-world government
7/12/21 - Fauci explains to Zuckerberg the risks associated with the experimental Covid-19 jab. 'The CV19 jab can make you extra susceptible to circulating viruses and undermine your natural immunity'. Did you know?
Lara Logan TORCHES the Ukraine Narrative 🔥🔥 “Ukraine is at the center of this cult of globalists” and “the Ukrainian people are being exploited by evil, horrible people”
Citizens of Ukraine confirm Ukrainian forces are firing on their own people. Notice how nobody around her is disagreeing or calling her out? She even references the kindergarden that was blown up... the same one that got non-stop MSM coverage.