6 months agoJonathan Roumie is interviewed by beauty Sanjita Patel- At a cofee with Jesus what you would ask HimtoPeople
1 year agoCatholicism vs Protestantism-George Farmer debates Protestantism with Allie Beth StuckeytoPeople
10 months agoJonathan Roumie answers to questions- a true love story between him and the Brazilian peopletoPeople
10 months agoJonathan Roumie gives an interview to Brian Barcelona from ONE VOICE STUDENT MISSIONS-PowerfultoPeople
1 month agoJonathan Roumie Chosen team go in Time Square New York and reveal the date Season five will launchtoPeople
2 months agoPope Francis appoints heretic pro LGBTQ Cardinal McElroy to Lead Washington, D.C. ArchdiocesetoPeople
2 years agoRand Paul speaking on Jesse Waters prime time about WEF proposal of world governmenttoPeople
2 years agoPathological lier Hillary Clinton claim REPUBLICAN states have higher rates of criminalitytoPeople
8 months agoSimon Peter forgives Matthew- emotional and powerful moment from the Chosen Season Four Episode TwotoPeople
10 months agoBishop Mar Mari Emanuel returns excerpt from his first preaching after he was attacked- awesometoPeople
1 year agoLara Silva Covino delivers a beautiful and healthy baby boy- Congratulations from all of us!!toPeople
2 months agoЭкс-ЦРУ Ларри Джонсон рассказал правду о случившемся в Сирии с Асадом, войне России и УкраиныtoPeople
6 months agoJonathan Roumie interviewed by Fr Dave Pivonka president of Franciscan University of SteubenvilletoPeople
1 month agoJonathan Roumie speaks with Cardinal Dolan about the Chosen Season Five, life, faith whats importanttoPeople
1 month agoJonathan Roumie speaks about the most touching exoerience ever- interacting with his fanstoPeople