M.L. Redneck Renegade and Kerry Cassidy with the Earth Shattering Inconvenient Truth (12/15/22). [WE in 5D Has —BEEN— Speaking This for Some Time Already]. 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT
SHOCK VIDEO—What's Old is New: Moderna's CEO Confess To Creating The COVID-19 VaxXx TWO Years Before The Now Confirmed Lab-Made Virus Was Released On The World‼️
How the Illuminati Distorted Language to Create Modern English in Order to Distort and Have Creation Itself NOT Understood—HIGHLY LIMITING YOUR ABILITY TO MANIFEST!
The NeverEnding Story (1984 Full Movie) [International/Common Version] | Fantasy/Adventure | A Metaphorical Depiction of YOU as God-Source Creating Everything Out of NOTHING—Because You Can! | Starring Noah Hathaway, Barret Oliver, Tami Stronach.
The NeverEnding Story (1984 Full Movie) [International/Common Version] | Fantasy/Adventure | A Metaphorical Depiction of YOU as God-Source Creating Everything Out of NOTHING—Because You Can! | Starring Noah Hathaway, Barret Oliver, Tami Stronach.
Abraham Hicks—Who Created Humans.. Extraterrestrials? | Abraham is Hardly Going to Play (What They Consider) Such an Infantile Game with You. You're So Much Bigger Than You Often Agree to Realize!
Just as the 13 Colonies Did Through Revolutionary Safety Committees—You Amongst Your New Earth Builder Tribes (Even You Don’t All Think Nearly 100% Same, Hence “Tribes”) are Working Together Successfully, Whether Physically Near or Far!
LEO ♌️ February 2023 — A SHOCKING PROPOSAL! BUT PREPARE TO BE TESTED (SOMETHING TO DO WITH SELF-DECEIT/TRUTH TO SELF). –333– I Struggled Through Some of the Energies of This Reading.
Antifa Infiltration on Free Speech Platforms?—What Does That Even Look Like? + Vaccines Vs. Ascension and a Soul’s Contract, Commentary on Kerry Cassidy’s Latest New Year 2023 Update, and More!
Earth without Oil, Remote Viewing BEYOND 2023 and Timeline Shifts Vs. Creating Your Reality [YOU ARE Creating the Timeline Shifts!!] — Note: The Information Given on Remote Viewing is EXACTLY the Same Way to Understand the Use of Tarot! | Gregg Braden