Climate Emergency | 27 Facts You Need to Know NOW About the Climate Emergency + "World Health Organization Is Warning That New Outbreaks of Monkeypox May Be Linked to Climate Change"
The Remnant Church | 01.26.2023 | What Does the Gospel Actually Mean? "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." - 22:6
Climate Emergency | Why Did John Brennan Say, "The Technology's Potential to Alter Weather Patterns & Benefit Certain Regions of the World at the Expense of Others?"
Monkeypox | World Health Organization Warns NEW Outbreaks of Monkeypox Linked to Climate Change + Weather Modification / HAARP Explained In 2 Minutes (See Show Notes)
Climate Emergency | Why Did Prince Charles Say, "We Have to Reduce the Emissions Urgently. We Need a Vast Military Style Campaign. With TRILLIONS At HIS Disposal Far Beyond Global GDP?"
Climate Emergency | On January 26th 2021, Why Did Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Say "I Think It Would Be a Good Idea for Biden to Call for a Climate Emergency?"