1 year ago🟥 Die USA und der Ukraine-Krieg (Daniele Ganser ⎪ Basel, 02.09.2023)PruefeAllesGlaubeWenigDenkeSelbst
1 year agoDaniele Ganser - Media Competence Ep. 1 : Und es ist einfach nirgends gekommen, deux tours ...The September 11 Attacks in the Media
11 months agoDaniele Ganser - Media Competence Ep. 5 : As it happened ... 17h20 ... Als es passierteThe September 11 Attacks in the Media
11 months agoDaniele Ganser - Media Competence Ep. 4 : And at 10h28 the show is over; show must go onThe September 11 Attacks in the Media
11 months agoDaniele Ganser - Media Competence Ep. 2 : BBC's sin | Der Sündenfall der BBCThe September 11 Attacks in the Media
9 months agoSpeech by Eugen Drewermann on the Aachen Award for Humanity to Daniele Ganser (16.5.2024)With Daniele Ganser and other people of truth
9 months agoDr. Daniele Ganser: WTC7 was demolished (St. Leon-Rot 9.9.2019)With Daniele Ganser and other people of truth
9 months agoDr. Daniele Ganser: NATO arms madness in Germany and Mind Award (Montabaur 26.3.2019)With Daniele Ganser and other people of truth
9 months agoDr. Daniele Ganser: Venezuela 2019 - A failed coup by the USA (Nuremberg 1.4.2019) (english subtitles)With Daniele Ganser and other people of truth
3 years agoDr. Daniele Ganser: Ukraine 2014 - ein illegaler Putsch (Vortrag I Berlin, 10.05.2015)PruefeAllesGlaubeWenigDenkeSelbst
1 year agoDr. Daniele Ganser: False Flag Operations (Talk with Duncan Robles 2.2.22)With Daniele Ganser and other people of truth
9 months agoDr. Daniele Ganser: Vietnam 1964, an illegal war (Hannover 28.5.2018)(english subtitles)With Daniele Ganser and other people of truth
3 years agoDr. Daniele Ganser: WTC 7 - Feuer oder Sprengung? (Berlin, 28.11.2017)PruefeAllesGlaubeWenigDenkeSelbst
4 months ago" STAY BEHIND : TERROR FÜR DIE GUTE SACHE ! " - D. Ganser, D. Pohlmann, M. Fiedler, F.-M. SpeerREALICKE
2 years agoDr. Daniele Ganser: NATO-Osterweiterung war Wortbruch (Dominik Kettner 30. Mai 2022)wolfmanwashere
10 months agoDr. Daniele Ganser: The Betrayed Peace of Istanbul (Dr. Daniele Ganser, 1.1.24) (english subtitles)With Daniele Ganser and other people of truth
1 year ago🔥 THE HISTORY OF THE CIA 🔥 Italy 1948 - How to Steal an Election [pt. 5.1]NAZIworldORDER - NWO - SECRET SOCIETIES, ILLUMINATI, GREAT RESET
1 year agoThekengespräche mit Thomas Ly - Folge 7: Dr. Daniele Ganser & Prof. DDr. Martin HaditschKontrafunk Archive