The Georgia Guidestones | Sheila Holm Shares the Truth About the Georgia Guidestones, Ted Turner, Easter Eggs, the United Nations, & Pagan Holidays Being Celebrated by Christians in America
COVID Vaccines | "Some People Got Significant Side Effects from the Vaccine, A Number of People That Are Quite Ill And They Never Had COVID & They Are Ill from the Vaccine." - Robert Redfield (Former Director of the U.S. CDC)
Cognitive Dissonance | The BRICS Lead De-Dollarization | "We Are Going Down. It Will Be the Biggest Crash In World History." - Robert Kiyosaki + Is America Experiencing Cognitive Dissonance About the Health of the U.S. Dollar?
Bo Polny | The COLLAPSE OF THE DOLLAR Explained Featuring Confirming Commentary from: Fred Smith (Founder of FedEX), Steve Bannon, Donald J. Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin, Navarro, Flynn, Charles Payne, Etc.
Business Pig | Doctor Zoellner Shares His 10 Rules for Success + How Did Clay Clark & Dr. Z Launch 14+ Successful Businesses Between the 2 of Them (Auto, Banking, DJ Service, Dog Training, Haircuts, Photography, Optometry, etc.)
Robert Kiyosaki | "Don Jr. & Eric Trump Are Fantastic Young Men! I Know the Trump Boys Implicitly. Those Young Men Are Gracious, Very Polished, Great Young Men! I'm Hardcore Let's Make America Great Again!" - Kiyosaki (8/21/24)