Central Bank Digital Currencies | How Will CBDCs Work? The Chief Executive Officer of Quant.Network (Gilbert Verdian) & Chief Product Officer (Martin Hargreaves) Shares About How Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Will Work?
CBDC | "This Is a New Form of Money." + "Money Is Evolving from a Very Binary to a Very Complicated & Intelligent Thing We Call Smart Money." - Gilbert Verdian (Quant.Network)
CBDCs | How Will Central Bank Digital Currencies Work? The CEO of Quant.Network Gilbert Verdian, Lead World Economic Forum Advisor Yuval Noah Harari & The General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements Agustín Carstens Explain
PRIDE FLAG | Why Was the Rainbow Colored Pride Flag Was Created By Gilbert Barker In 1978 to Represent the Gay Community? "If Homosexuality Was Against Nature It Just Couldn't Exist...I Can Even Write a NEW BIBLE." - Yuval Noah Harari
CBDC | "CBDCs, We've Been Working with Central Banks to Really Innovate And Bring Together Technology As a CBDC. Quant.Network Is Their Platform And Infrastructure That Central Banks Use to Pilot And Test CBDCs." - Gilbert Verdian April 24t
CBDCs | "The Only Way to Test (CBDCs) It With Your Local Domestic & Commercial Banks. The Next Step Is to Practically Test It With Your Local Domestic Banks." - Gilbert Verdian (The CEO of Quant.Network)