COVID Vaccines | "I Regret Getting the Vaccine. For the First Time I Tested Positive for an Auto Immune Issue." - Megyn Kelly + "The Pfizer Vaccine Reverse Transcribes & Installs DNA Into the Human Genome." - Dr. Peter McCullough +
Vaccines | What Did Stanley Plotkin, M.D. "The Godfather of Vaccines" Answer the Question: Do You Take Issue with Religious Beliefs? "Yes. Vaccination Is Always Under Attack from Religious Zealots."
COVID Vaccines | "I Regret Getting the COVID Vaccine, And for the First Time I Tested Positive for An Auto-Immune Issue At My Annual Physical." - Megyn Kelly + "The COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Aids." - The Late Great Dr. Zelenko
Megyn Kelly | "I Regret Getting the COVID Vaccine, And for the First Time I Tested Positive for An Auto-Immune Issue At My Annual Physical." - Megyn Kelly + "The COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Aids." - The Late Great Dr. Zelenko (May He Rest
Doctor Robert Malone | "One of the Transformational Points In Time for This Technology Was When DARPA Decided to Issue a Large Contract, a Series of Contracts to Enable the Development of mRNA and Specifically mRNA Use for Vaccine Purposes."
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Wouldn't Focus All the Attention On One Religion of Islam, the Major Issue Is Dealing With Religious Fanaticism. Their Focus Is Not On This World, There Are Focus In On Another World. Then We Have a Big Problem." - Ha
Dedollarization | "You Blow Up the System, But Point to Villain. Then You Issue Your New Central Bank Digital Currency. Every Single Country Has Been Told By the Bank of International Settlements That You Must Have an Operational CBDC by 2025."
Central Bank Digital Currencies | When Will BRICS Introduce Their New Gold-Backed Central Bank Digital Currency? "Jim Rickards Came Out And Said That BRICS Is Going to Issue Their Gold-Backed Currency At the 2023 August Summit." - Schectman