Why are Michelle and Barack Obama so closely linked to rapists and sex traffickers?/Lawmakers Prepare for ‘Mass Casualty’ Event, /Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Zoom Call With Hollywood Celebrities and Social Media Influencers To
Top Scientists Sound the Alarm: ‘Dead Humans Being Pumped Into U.S. Food Supply’/Canadian Fashion Multi-Millionaire Peter Nygard Sentenced in Toronto Court to 11 Years in Jail for Sexual Assault/Economist Edward Dowd Warns of Major Market Correction i
FBI Seize Diddy ‘Freak Off’ Tapes Featuring Prince Harry in Illegal Acts/Teenage Girl Who Helped Beat Disabled Man to Death in DC Says She Did It Because She Was ‘Bored’/Canadian Woman Begs Trudeau Regime To Stop Trying To Euthanize Her Healthy Fa
Taylor Swift Insider Leaks ‘Adrenochrome Contract’ Elites Must Sign To Join Illuminati/Canada Urgently Withdraws Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines: ‘Destroy All Vials’/Canadian MSM Journalist: ‘The CIA Has Infiltrated Every Outlet in Canada