4 months agoANTI-GUNS to PRO GUNS: REAL demonstration with a protestor, CCW, handguns, AR-15sTom Grieve
3 months agoJordan Peterson on Guns and 2nd Amendment: What Does He Think? Lobster GoodnessTom Grieve
7 months ago"Militia" in 2nd Amendment: Why? Colonial + Early Republic Gun Laws with Dr. Joyce MalcolmTom Grieve
4 months agoAR15s and 11+ round mags NOT in Common Use?! Government Says So! 24 million sold says otherwiseTom Grieve
2 months agoLAWYER: Post-Shooting Cop Tricks + Tactics To DESTROY You! DGU, Castle Doctrine, Conceal CarryTom Grieve
2 months agoHarris Promises to TRAMPLE 2nd+4th Amendment Rights, Violate Magna Carta if ElectedTom Grieve
3 months agoCourt DESTROYS Machine Gun Ban: Are They Legal Now?! Back on the Menu? FOPA, Hughes, and 922(o)Tom Grieve
1 year agoUPDATE 4 Legal Attacks on ATF Pistol Brace Rule! The Battle Lines and Trenches Mock v GarlandTom Grieve
1 year agoBIG PISTOL BRACE RULING! ATF in TROUBLE! Mock v. Garland, Texas, FPC, Injunction, AnalysisTom Grieve
11 months agoGUN LAW DOWN Post Office Carry Now Legal? Bruen Supreme Court Looms over US v Ayala in Florida CourtTom Grieve
1 year agoEnd Conceal Carry Laws? Court Strikes Down Law NATIONWIDE carry Implicated in Commonwealth v DonnellTom Grieve
1 year agoATF vs FFLs: 3 Ways ATF Close Gun Stores and a Whole Lot More with Michael Kwiatkowski, FFL ExpertTom Grieve
8 months agoTHOUSANDS of Machine Guns DESTROYED! Why? Firearms FFL Expert Michael KwiatkowskiTom Grieve
10 months agoUse THIS Carrier: Cut Gun Theft 66%! USPS vs. UPS vs. FedEx, Mailing Handguns, Rifles, ShotgunsTom Grieve
10 months agoMilitia and the 2nd Amendment: What is it? This and Hawaii v. Wilson discussed with Kostas MorosTom Grieve