1 month agoOrthodox Jordan @orthodox.jor #orthodoxy #orthodoxfaith #orthodoxchristian #ορθόδοξοσSrdjanNS
1 month agoLebanese Christians are different men Lebanese priest Tony Rizk defending his townSrdjanNS
1 month agoAndrei Rublev (1966) #orthodoxy #mountathos #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaith #pravoslavljeSrdjanNS
1 month agoChoir of the Sretensky Monastery Video from the film “Крест” “Cross” #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristianSrdjanNS
1 month agoPsalm 102 Bless the Lord #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaith #mountathos #ορθόδοξοσSrdjanNS
1 month agoBulgarian Orthodox monks chant Пеят български православни монаси #orthodoxchants #bulgariaSrdjanNS
1 month agoLord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner #orthodox #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaithSrdjanNS
1 month agoOn the 22nd of November the Orthodox Church commemorates St. Iakovos Tsalikis #orthodoxySrdjanNS
1 month agoPure hearts know each other. This shows when a wolf befriends this Serbian orthodox monk, God bless.SrdjanNS
1 month agoThis is why we shouldn’t worry. God is always in control and He has a reason for everything.SrdjanNS
1 month agoAnyone witness a monk into a Schema @trust_thy_word #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaithSrdjanNS
24 days agoOrthodox Cats #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #theotokos #christianity #orthodoxfaith #ορθόδοξοσSrdjanNS
16 days agoRotonda of Thessaloniki #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaith #ορθόδοξοσ #pravoslavljeSrdjanNS
16 days agoRussian orthodox chant - Покаяния отверзи ми двери Open the doors of repentance to meSrdjanNS
1 month agoAngelic voices. Greek Orthodox chanting Αγγελικές φωνές. Ελληνορθόδοξη ψαλμωδία #greekorthodoxSrdjanNS
15 days agoThe bells of the oldest church in Mosul, the Syriac Orthodox church of Mor Touma rings againSrdjanNS
25 days agoBulgarian Orthodox Chant Българско православно песнопение #orthodoxy #bulgarianorthodox #bulgariaSrdjanNS
15 days agoRussian chant - Се, Жених грядет в полунощи Behold, the Bridegroom cometh at midnightSrdjanNS
2 months agoFirst Ode of the Christmas Canons, tone A - Elder Daniel - Monk Stefanos DanielidesSrdjanNS
18 days agoByzantine hymn - Orthodox chant #byzantine #byzantinechant #orthodox #orthodoxchristianSrdjanNS