1. It's Not What We Don't Know About Diet That Most Threatens Our Health; It's The Constant, Wild

    It's Not What We Don't Know About Diet That Most Threatens Our Health; It's The Constant, Wild

  2. “We are Feeling Machines that Think: A Neuroscientist’s Perspective” Interview w/ Antonio Damasio

    “We are Feeling Machines that Think: A Neuroscientist’s Perspective” Interview w/ Antonio Damasio

  3. Dr. David L. Katz: Perspectives on the Pandemic, Ep 3 / 8

    Dr. David L. Katz: Perspectives on the Pandemic, Ep 3 / 8

  4. The Fake Science Used to Force Abortion Laws

    The Fake Science Used to Force Abortion Laws

  5. Let Them Eat Cake (Official Video)

    Let Them Eat Cake (Official Video)

  6. Buddhadasa Bhikku I The meeting of all dhammas in anapanasati

    Buddhadasa Bhikku I The meeting of all dhammas in anapanasati

  7. Poor Diet Quality Is Responsible For Over 500,000 Premature Deaths In The United States All

    Poor Diet Quality Is Responsible For Over 500,000 Premature Deaths In The United States All

  8. We Need A Cultural Revolution In Terms Of How We Think About Food And The Role It Plays

    We Need A Cultural Revolution In Terms Of How We Think About Food And The Role It Plays

  9. Spiros Zodhiates - De ce nu ești un Timotei?

    Spiros Zodhiates - De ce nu ești un Timotei?
