10 months ago►🚨▶◾️⚡️Clare Daly: "The Whole world is now in Free Fall because of the West and Israel"Zodland World News Channel
2 months agoPro-Hamas WOLPalestine chants in NYC subway 'Live free, ride free! F**k the NYPD!'drrichswiee
9 months ago"We are not allowed to talk" Hmmm. Freedom of speech to protest, but you can't talk about it?Israel Forever
4 months agoSo help you God when the demented Islam and Sharia Law takes over your communitiesIsrael Forever
1 year agoBritish-born Israeli soldier Levi Simon recorded a video of him searching Gaza homesVIDEOVARIETY
7 months agoOctober 7th Massacre - A reminder of what and why is Israel MUST keep fighting!Israel Forever
8 months agoAmericans - This is happening in the USA!!! WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE! WAKE THE HELL UP!Israel Forever
2 months agoWho did we send to Hell so far? Who wants to be next? Do Not Mess with Israel!Israel Forever
10 months agoYouth all over Europe are being converted to Islam. Are you ready for your Amerikid's conversions?Israel Forever
11 months agoCandace Owens Out At The Daily Wire/Terror Attack In Moscow | 3.25.24The Whiskey Capitalist PodcastVerified
6 months ago►🇷🇺🚨❗️⚡️ ISIS terrorists eliminated in first minutes of assault by Russian SOBR snipersZodland World News Channel
10 months agoThank you Bill Mahr - One of the very few voices of reason and common sense left ln US mediaIsrael Forever
7 months agoOne Israeli hostage testimony about the "humane" treatment she received in Gaza.Israel Forever
7 months agoThis is what Israeli soldiers have been dealing with for decades. Personally I would shoot them all!Israel Forever
10 months agoThe Muslim Imam of Michigan - How much more proof you need? WAKE UP AMERICANS!Israel Forever
3 months agoBlame Israel that provides water, electricity, food, jobs, etc? Egypt has iron border to avoid GazaIsrael Forever