1 year agoWhy Leonardo Decaprio dumps all his girlfriends at 25 years old & tips to live a life like Leo420Jon69
1 year agoIs it ok to be friends with your ex? How to deal with a breakup. Good & bad of being friends w an ex420Jon69
1 year agoTips how to make girls feel comfortable & build a bond when hangning out with younger girls420Jon69
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1 year agoSucker s1mp shares new scams the girls did to him & shares the working girl scene in Puerto Rico420Jon69
2 years agoSmoking a joint & final thoughts Cocal Jaco on my last day in Costa Rica the good and bad420Jon69
1 year agoBodyboarding hurricane frank & code red swell at point break in Mexico with no one out420Jon69
1 year agoGiving thanks in paradise on Thanksgiving🙏 things to be thankful for and work towards🏝️420Jon69
1 year agoFeliz navidad 🎄the day of giving should be every day, not just for Christmas.Be a giver not a taker🙏420Jon69
1 year agoFriend’s first time visiting Zona Norte👯♀️ Hong Kong Adelitas Tijuana.Did he hate it or love it?🤔420Jon69
1 year agoMy videos saved a guys life. Advice for getting cheated/divorce & Best way to recover.420Jon69
1 year agoAwesome authentic soda (restaurant) in the mountains of jaco costa rica restaurante sudy420Jon69
1 year agoBiking the jaco main street showing you some of the businesses jaco beach Costa Rica420Jon69
1 year agoFresh 18 year old tried bait & switch & 28 year old prostitute insisting she’s still fresh 😂420Jon69
1 year agoIf you are going to Jaco Beach Costa Rica, these are my friends who can help take care of everything420Jon69
2 years agoSmoking a joint & final thoughts Cocal Jaco on my last day in Costa Rica the good and bad420Jon69