1. Trailer | Why Every Gun Owner Should Take This Long Distance Shooting Course

    Trailer | Why Every Gun Owner Should Take This Long Distance Shooting Course

  2. March For Our Lives Wants To Overturn Individual Right to Own A Gun

    March For Our Lives Wants To Overturn Individual Right to Own A Gun

  3. Why Every Gun Owner Should Take This Long Distance Shooting Course

    Why Every Gun Owner Should Take This Long Distance Shooting Course

  4. State Representative wants to impose a 50% TAX INCREASE on ammunition. @Jilchrest

    State Representative wants to impose a 50% TAX INCREASE on ammunition. @Jilchrest

  5. Joe Biden: Your AR-15 & Magazines, We NEED to know that you have them

    Joe Biden: Your AR-15 & Magazines, We NEED to know that you have them

  6. Follow Through Consulting Scoped Carbine Course Review (Teaser)

    Follow Through Consulting Scoped Carbine Course Review (Teaser)

  7. Why The California School Shooting Proves You Should be Anti More Gun Control

    Why The California School Shooting Proves You Should be Anti More Gun Control
