![R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Torah Fellowship (Episode #5 -- Thursday, April 7th, 2022) Host: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Weekly Class Featuring Selections from Tanach [Bible], Jewish Thought & Chafetz Chaim on Laws of Lashon Hara (Slander)](https://1a-1791.com/video/s8/6/5/4/l/O/54lOd.oq1b.jpg)
R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Torah Fellowship (Episode #5 -- Thursday, April 7th, 2022) Host: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Weekly Class Featuring Selections from Tanach [Bible], Jewish Thought & Chafetz Chaim on Laws of Lashon Hara (Slander)
R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Torah Fellowship