1 year agoPoltergeist Spectral Portal Opens - Asylum On The Hill - Athens, OhioParanormal - Untold Stories
3 months agoAncient DNA reveals new Denisovan breeding insights with modern humansHiddenHistoryChannel
3 months agoKing Arthur linked site in Cornwall is five times older than thought dating to NeolithicHiddenHistoryChannel
3 months ago15,800-year-old Ice Age cannibals’ art depicts oldest engravings of fishingHiddenHistoryChannel
2 months agoMysterious skeleton find in Belgium contains bones from five people spanning 2,500 yearsHiddenHistoryChannel
2 months agoStonehenge authorities expecting thousands to visit for Winter SolsticeHiddenHistoryChannel
2 months agoOldest human DNA ever studied reveals ‘lost branch’ family that spanned EuropeHiddenHistoryChannel
2 months agoNeanderthals and modern humans ‘must be classed as separate species’ say expertsHiddenHistoryChannel
2 months agoRitual cannibalism: evidence of ‘exceptional’ Bronze Age attack uncovered in SomersetHiddenHistoryChannel
1 month ago35,000 year old evidence of prehistoric communal ritual discovered in the Holy LandHiddenHistoryChannel
7 months agoMagical Egypt and The Legacy of John Anthony West | Chance Gardner and Vanese McNeilRune SoupVerified