1 year ago(8/1/2023) | Audio Chat 10 | SG Sits Down w/ Tania Joy, Citizen Journalist from "Beauty for Ashes" and TaniaJoy.TVQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(8/7/2023) | Audio Chat 11 | SG Sits Down w/ Dr. Viseslav Simic (Sima) to Talk Serbian History/The Great AwakeningQNewsPatriotVerified
7 months ago(7/25/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 73 | SG Sits Down w/ Filmmaker and "War on Truth Movie" Creator Chris Burgard to Talk January 6th 2021QNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(10/4/2023) | Audio Chat 15 | SG Sits Down w/ Dr. Sandra Michael to Discusss Quantum-Scalar WellnessQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(10/9/2023) PT1 | Audio Chat 16 | SG Sits Down w/ Financial Whistleblower Mike Gill: Who is Mike Gill?QNewsPatriotVerified
7 months ago(8/2/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 79 | SG Sits Down w/ Spirit Worker-Tonal Alchemist Mary Electra for a Talk on Humanity's Vast PowerQNewsPatriotVerified
7 months ago(7/29/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 75 | SG Sits Down w/ Patriot and Election Martyr Tina Peters: Put on Trial for Protecting USA ElectionsQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(10/30/2023) | Audio Chat 18 | SG Sits Down w/ Dr. Kirk Elliott: De-Dollarization and Market Failures WorldwideQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(1/17/2024) | Audio Chat 26 | SG Sits Down w/ NLA to Discuss Transitioning Our Nation Back to Common Law RepublicQNewsPatriotVerified
11 months ago(3/28/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 36 | SG Sits Down w/ Dale and Kaysha @ "The Karis Project" to Talk Justice for High CrimesQNewsPatriotVerified
6 months ago(8/29/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 85 | SG Sits Down w/ Historian and Spiritual-Student Ismael Perez to Talk Mankind's AscensionQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(5/20/2023) | Audio Chat 5 | SG Sits Down w/ Sagesse Holdings CEO and Financial Visionary Barbara GuthQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(12/13/2023) | Audio Chat 23 | SG Sits Down w/ Kirk Elliott PhD: WW Energy Markets Soon Changing ForeverQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(1/6/2024) | Audio Chat 25 | SG Sits Down w/ Elections Whistleblower and Persecuted American Hero Tina PetersQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(2/24/2024) | Audio Chat 30 | SG Sits Down w/ Steve Stern to Discuss Local Election Strategy and County CommitteesQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(3/12/2024) | Audio Chat 34 | SG Sits Down w/ "Former Feds" Group and Patriot Eyewitnesses to Medical MurderQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(3/14/2024) | Audio Chat 35 | SG Sits Down w/ Kirk Elliott to Discuss The Silver Institute and the Fall of RomeQNewsPatriotVerified
10 months ago(5/6/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 44 | SG Sits Down w/ Clayton (Founder of ROOTBrands) to Discuss Solutions to Bio-WeaponsQNewsPatriotVerified
10 months ago(5/19/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 46 | SG Sits Down w/ Michelle Peterson to Discuss the Movement Behind Child Grooming LawsQNewsPatriotVerified
7 months ago(7/31/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 77 | SG Sits Down Again w/ Kirk Elliott PhD to Talk Banking and the 2024 Progress of De-DollarizationQNewsPatriotVerified
7 months ago(8/8/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 81 | SG Sits Down w/ Virginia Patriots Aldo, Pam, and JW to Talk Efforts Toward a Peoples Grand Jury AudienceQNewsPatriotVerified
6 months ago(9/7/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 91 | SG Sits Down w/ Financial Visionary Barbara Guth to Discuss the "Sovereign Revenue Trust Entity"QNewsPatriotVerified
6 months ago(9/9/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 92 | SG Sits Down w/ AZ Election Whistleblower Michele Swinick to Talk Maricopa County ConfessionQNewsPatriotVerified
8 months ago(7/22/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 69 | SG Sits Down w/ Gail, David, and Mike for a Roundtable Discussion on Medical Criminality Against HumanityQNewsPatriotVerified