2 years agoሆ ብለን መጣን ሆ ብለን የአድስ ዓመት መዝሙር እንቁጣጣሽ Ho bilen metan Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo New Year mezmurAmbaTimes
1 year agoTried to Get Pierogi On The Rebate Scam! #parodyMark Pires Inventor of The BeatSeat: One Man Band Music 10PM EST Daily!Verified
2 years agoሃሌ ሃሌሉያ ሊ_መ ቴዎድሮስ ዮሴፍ ቆየት ያለድንቅ መዝሙር Tewodros Yosef Hale haleluya Orthodox Tewahedo MezmurAmbaTimes
1 year ago#ethiopian #defence #force Anthem with lyrics የኢትዮጵያ መከላከያ ሠራዊት መዝሙር Ethiopian Defense Force SongAmbaTimes
1 year agoኢትዮጵያ ትቅደም Ethiopian national revolution music_song Derg tenesa teramed Ethiopia Tikdem ተነሳ ተራመድAmbaTimes
2 years agoአንትሙ ለአለም ብርሃኑ ሊ መዘምራን ኪነጥበብ ወ ጨርቆስ የንስሀ መዝሙር Ethiopia Orthodox Tewahedo Mezmur Kinetbeb wegedamniAmbaTimes
1 year agoScammer Loses His Freaking Mind! 🤣 @ScammerPaybackMark Pires Inventor of The BeatSeat: One Man Band Music 10PM EST Daily!Verified