1. Rand Paul Threatens Gary Peters With Walkout, Causing Sinema To Call To 'Lower The Temperature'

    Rand Paul Threatens Gary Peters With Walkout, Causing Sinema To Call To 'Lower The Temperature'

  2. Biden asked about where Sinema stands on issues. Hear his reply

    Biden asked about where Sinema stands on issues. Hear his reply

  3. The Paris Procopis Show Live with Special AZ Guest to discuss Sen. Sinema and the AZ Audit

    The Paris Procopis Show Live with Special AZ Guest to discuss Sen. Sinema and the AZ Audit

  4. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Leaves Democratic Party, Becomes Independent

    Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Leaves Democratic Party, Becomes Independent

  5. U.S. Senate race between McSally and Sinema too close to call

    U.S. Senate race between McSally and Sinema too close to call

  6. Senate race between McSally and Sinema remains too close to call

    Senate race between McSally and Sinema remains too close to call

  7. Twitter SECRET Blacklists EXPOSED as Kyrsten Sinema LEAVES the Dems!!!

    Twitter SECRET Blacklists EXPOSED as Kyrsten Sinema LEAVES the Dems!!!

  8. Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema leaving Democratic party, registering as Independent

    Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema leaving Democratic party, registering as Independent

  9. Kyrsten Sinema beats out Martha McSally for Flake's Arizona Senate seat

    Kyrsten Sinema beats out Martha McSally for Flake's Arizona Senate seat

  10. Kyrsten Sinema on Criticism From Dems As She Leaves the Senate 'Don't Give a S

    Kyrsten Sinema on Criticism From Dems As She Leaves the Senate 'Don't Give a S

  11. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin Leave Joe Biden One Last Parting Gift, and Democrats Are Livid

    Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin Leave Joe Biden One Last Parting Gift, and Democrats Are Livid

  12. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin Leave Joe Biden One Last Parting Gift, and Democrats Are Livid

    Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin Leave Joe Biden One Last Parting Gift, and Democrats Are Livid

  13. Bravo Mrs. Kyrsten Sinema . ! . To The Sane Society . (open letter # 401) WATCH 2x SPEED

    Bravo Mrs. Kyrsten Sinema . ! . To The Sane Society . (open letter # 401) WATCH 2x SPEED
