  2. Need to Know: The Fetzer Report Episode 148 - 10 March 2021

    Need to Know: The Fetzer Report Episode 148 - 10 March 2021

  3. Expect two steps forward & one step back with ventilation& tracheostomy weaning in intensive care!

    Expect two steps forward & one step back with ventilation& tracheostomy weaning in intensive care!

  4. How to Approach "Best Interest" Meetings in Intensive Care?Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

    How to Approach "Best Interest" Meetings in Intensive Care?Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

  5. Alpilean Reviews | Does Alpilean Work? | Alpilean Weight Loss Supplement | Alpilean Review

    Alpilean Reviews | Does Alpilean Work? | Alpilean Weight Loss Supplement | Alpilean Review

  6. Expect two steps forward & one step back with ventilation& tracheostomy weaning in intensive care!

    Expect two steps forward & one step back with ventilation& tracheostomy weaning in intensive care!

  7. INSIDE THE ICU: COVID admissions rise in hospitals causing concern about strain

    INSIDE THE ICU: COVID admissions rise in hospitals causing concern about strain

  8. Valley ICU nurse describes difficult COVID-19 surge

    Valley ICU nurse describes difficult COVID-19 surge

  9. ICU Nurse Kills Over 400 Recovering People - Exposing How Hospitals Murder

    ICU Nurse Kills Over 400 Recovering People - Exposing How Hospitals Murder

  10. My Dad’s Prognosis Is Poor According To The Doctor But Who Is Really Directing His Care? Help!

    My Dad’s Prognosis Is Poor According To The Doctor But Who Is Really Directing His Care? Help!

  11. Ask Me Anything! Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com, Answering Your Questions Live!

    Ask Me Anything! Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com, Answering Your Questions Live!

  12. 5 Mistakes You're Making if You're Critically Ill Loved One's in Induced Coma and isn't "Waking Up"!

    5 Mistakes You're Making if You're Critically Ill Loved One's in Induced Coma and isn't "Waking Up"!

  13. In Memory of Indi Gregory! The UK Courts Again Allowed the NHS to End the Life of Another Child!

    In Memory of Indi Gregory! The UK Courts Again Allowed the NHS to End the Life of Another Child!

  14. After Traumatic Open Heart Surgery Now on Ventilator& ECMO, Why is my Mom's Body Shaking/ Trembling?

    After Traumatic Open Heart Surgery Now on Ventilator& ECMO, Why is my Mom's Body Shaking/ Trembling?

  15. What can happen if you place a person on a ventilator too soon or before it's critically needed?

    What can happen if you place a person on a ventilator too soon or before it's critically needed?

  16. Trying to get intensive care at home with ventilation& tracheostomy& dialysis care for my mother

    Trying to get intensive care at home with ventilation& tracheostomy& dialysis care for my mother

  17. Can My Mom Go Home on a Ventilator, Tracheostomy and Dialysis with Intensive Care at Home?

    Can My Mom Go Home on a Ventilator, Tracheostomy and Dialysis with Intensive Care at Home?
