Underground Cities, Emerald City Under the Pentagon, Rainforest and a Canyon that Splits from the Dark Side Where There are Giants + A Treaty with the Giants, They Are Fed Human Flesh + Knights Templar, Massive Building Projects During 12-16th Centuries
ROR#199 The Anti-Christ, The Great Apostasy, JFK + The 4 'P's: The Prophet, The Priest, The Phoenix and The Pindar + The 4 Kings. Are The 4 'P's and the 4 Kings 8 of the 10 Horns?
Cannibalism and Cannibal Restaurants, "Green Consumption", Somerset Belenoff's Daughter, Are the Bodies Really Dead and if so for How Long? + Marina Abramovic, Spirit Cooking Events
Ruined a Ritual & Was Punished, Rescued by Jesus - Man on Fire, Told Him She Wants Them All to Come Out of the System, Training Partner Made Her Promise to Get Him Out + The Lord Raised Jessie's Training Partner From the Dead
Satan's End-Time Agenda to Send His Demonic Army Through the Spiritual Gates and Usurp the Throne of God, It Requires Demonic Possession so Humans Can Carry Them Through the Gates + Astral Projection, Near Death Experience (NDE) and Life After Death
Top Level Black Magician Who Refuses to Take Human Life, Uses His Own Blood to the Detriment of His Own Health + Prayers and Pinning Molech to a Wall Kek
Jessie's Training Partner and their Telepathic Connection, Like Twins + His Mother Found Out that He Was Chosen to Be Jessie's Protector, They Tried to Flee and were Horrifically Killed + His Grandfather (or possibly not), Nazi Michael Karcok
Jessie's Childhood, Mother's Family are High Level in the Luciferian Brotherhood + Lilly, Mexican Woman at Church, Jessie Accepted Jesus at 3, Chosen as Successor to the Queen Mother of Darkness