RFK Says Fauci Must Be Executed for ‘Killing Thousands of Kids’/JK Rowling Says There Are ‘No Trans Kids..No Child Is Born In The Wrong Body’/Jimmy Carter Dead at 100/One Dead, Several Injured After Explosion At Poultry Plant In Georgia/ Covid Tyr
Obama Named As First World Leader To Be Prosecuted in Diddy Pedophile Investigation/Canada: Doctor Ordered To Pay Back $600k She Earned Administering COVID Jabs/ Investigators Uncover Orgies, Employees Having Sex on Government Property at Tennessee VA Hos
The RSB Show 5-5-23 - Mexico COVID vaccine, WHO downgrades pandemic, Julie Wentz, Freedom Healthcare, Real foundational health, FDA Approves RSV Vaccine, Docs prescribing danger
Popular Weight-Loss Drug Ozempic Shrinks Heart Muscles in Recipients/vBombshell Study Censored by The Lancet Finally Released: Confirms ‘High Likelihood of Causal Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Death’/Ukraine’s Ex-Top General and Current UK Amba
Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins Maria Zeee to discuss silicone and other transhumanism synbio materials found in the COVID shots and human bodies during surgery, discussing how this relates to brain hacking, behaviour and body control of humans.