The Most Levelheaded Verbalized Stance on the Middle East Conflict (WEin5D's Opinion on Royce White's Stance) + The 3 Springboards to a Global Police State: War, Plague, and Financial Crisis!
Real Story of Manifested Experience as it Unfolds in Real Time. | Those Who CHOOSE to Live in Peace Have More Reason to Attract More Peace—Whatever You Place Your Attention on MULTIPLIES. Those Who KNOW Their Divine Protection.. Experience it! #Flypaper
You may Frown Upon Their [Destiny (Chosen Responses to Fate)], But These Were Fated to Define “Star” in This Matrix—a Matrix as Valid as Any Other Matrix. Happy Graduation, Elvis! Happy Birthing, Madonna! #CuzIWantTo
The Constitution and Declaration of Independence Written by Christians… or Freemasons? (Duhrrr) The Term “[Judeo] Christian” Refers to the Age of the Knowledge as Practiced by the Mystic Kristics BEFORE the Council of Nicaea Invented Christianity!
♍️ VIRGO | Mid-May 2023: Their Feelings, Intentions, Actions, Your Feelings, The Challenge, The Potential, and Advice! — Includes a 29 Min Introduction to the Channel for Newbies + 2 Predictions for Humanity. (Orb Alert at 29:50)