Thomas Breedlove | "We're Going To Empower A Young Generation With The Values, The Character Traits, The Morals, That Are going To Enable Them To Be Strong And Discerning Leaders."
Banning Meat | "If A Billion People Stop Eating Meat It Has a Huge Impact." - Jim Hageman Snabe, the Chairman At Siemans (Speaking At the 2023 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting)
CBDCs | "Their Looking At a World Where They Have Two Options, Move to Complete Control or Lose Control. And CBDCs | "Their Looking At a World Where They Have Two Options, Move to Complete Control or Lose Control"
Artificial Intelligence | "You Don't Really Need to Implant Chips Into People's Brains to Control Them. A.I. Doesn't Need to Send Killer Robots to Shoot Us, It Can Get Humans to Pull the Trigger If It Really Needs To." - Yuval Noa
Artificial Intelligence | "The Optimus Stuff Is Extremely Underrated. Now Obviously We Need to Make Sure That We Don't Have a Terminator Scenario. That Is Very Important." - Elon Musk + "We Can Now Produce Killer Robots." - Yuval