April 8th 2024 | NASA to Launch "Serpent Deity" ON April 8th, NASA Means to Beguile, to Deceive In Hebrew, CERN to Test World's Most Powerful Particle Accelerator On April 8th & Billions of Cicidas Emerging & Red Heifers In Israel!!
ICE to Target Illegals in Aurora, Colorado Next/ President Trump Offering Millions of Federal Workers Buyouts if They Resign by February 6/President Trump Signs Executive Order Restricting Child Mutilation Across America, DOJ Also Ordered to Pursue Litiga
Solar Eclipse | 101 April 8th 2024 Facts: Tesla's Earthquake, Seal of Satan Symbol, CERN Logo, Red Heifers Ready? NASA Great Deception & Serpent Deity Mission, CERN, A.I., Devil Comet, Euphrates, Hamas, Israel, Aleister Crowley