Brave young "Disabled" Canadian man shares how he feels about MAiD (Medical Assisted in Dying) being offered with such a low threshold to be eligible. - We Need More Like This Young Man!
Yorkshire, England: Man uses a cordless angle grinder to cut down a surveillance camera, the day after it was installed in his neighbourhood. This is what we will have to do to the cameras that make '15 minute cities' possible
University of West Florida: Nicolas Confirmed He Returned to Jesus, Dealing with Some Proud Mockers, Encouraging One Young Man To Evangelize And Not Let Satan Discourage Him
#196 MILITARY TRIBUNALS NOW! Arizona Government Officials Are Usurping & Trespassing Against The People AND Have No Authority To Be In Office…NO OATHS...The REAL Insurrection! + Our Elections Are Unconstitutional – This Court Case Proves It All!