Dr. Stella Immanuel | A New Year's Message of HOPE + The Connection Between 5G, Luciferase, MIT, Quantum Dots, CBDCs, Epstein, Gates & Great Reset | “Don’t Be Scared, But Be Prepared.” - Dr. Stella Immanuel
General Flynn | Why Did Tucker Carlson Leave FOX? Why Do Musk, Harari, Xi, & Schwab All Endorse: Universal Basic Income, mRNA Under the Skin, Carbon Footprint Tracking & Connecting Brains to the Internet? From Transgender to Transhuman?
General Flynn | Updates: Pandemic Part 2 (Bird Flu) Around the Corner? NATO Transferring F-16s to Ukraine? Bird Flu mRNA Vaccines Here? Will RNC Convention Discuss: CBDCs, Great Reset, Schwab & Yuval Noah Harari?