Business Podcast | "There Is Nothing So Useless As Doing Efficiently That Which Should Not Be Done At All.” - Peter Drucker + The Core Four + The Four Super MOVES That You Must Use In Order to Successfully Manage a Business
Was 'Back to the Future' Predicting the Events of 911 In Great Detail? Twin Pines Mall, After Attack, Twin Pines Are Replaced With a Sole Pine, Doc's Two Stop Watches, Both of Which Are 119 <> Mirrored 911
Mel K | "Is It Possible to Build a Global Order Which Is Based On Shared Values & Cooperation? A.I. Stands for Alien Intelligence." - Yuval Noah Harari + Why Is Yuval Noah Harari NOW Being Pushed On Mainstream Media?! BTFP Ends Now
Yuval Noah Harari | "Is It Possible to Build a Global Order Which Is Based On Shared Values & Cooperation? This Is the Good Side of Having An Existential Threat...A.I. Really Is An Alien Invasion. A.I. Stands for Alien Intelligence." - Yuval
Artificial Intelligence | "For Autocratic Regimes This Is Good News. We Have the Breakthrough In A.I. Which Could Lead to Combinations of Organic Bodies w/ Computers Which Are Known As Cyborgs, or to the Creation of Completely Non-Organic Beings.&quo