2 years agoOctober 15, 2020 🇺🇸 JESUS WARNS... You're on the Precipice, your World has never been in a more precarious PlaceFaith Truth Warnings ❤️ Glaube Wahrheit Warnungen
2 years agoImportant instructions for those who decide to follow Jesus in the tribulation periodDixie44
1 year ago121823 A Love Note to the World from I Am-A Crown of Beauty Instead of Ashes.- A Voice CallingChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
2 years agoJuly 20, 2015 ❤️ Jesus explains... The Aftermath of these Tragedies & The unpardonable SinNews from Jesus
2 years agoJesus explains... America was founded on occult Principals, not Christian onesWarnings and Instructions from Jesus Christ
1 year agoNov 16, 2016 ❤️ For Heaven, there is nothing more obnoxious than Pride, My BridesNews from Jesus
2 years agoNov 4, 2014 ❤️ Jesus says... They will be left behind, because they rejected Me & My CounselNews from Jesus
2 years agoJuly 10, 2018 🇺🇸 JESUS SAYS... Wake up America!... There will be a Wake-up EventFaith Truth Warnings ❤️ Glaube Wahrheit Warnungen
1 year agoJune 21, 2016 ❤️ Jesus says... I call and knock and now Death is at the Door, but they don't know itNews from Jesus
1 year agoNov 1, 2023 ❤️ Jesus says... You shall see Me alongside the Jewish NationJesus' Love Letters ... Liebesbriefe
8 months agoI never knew you! This Bride is NOT My Bride 🎺 Trumpet Call of GodJesus' Love Letters ... Liebesbriefe