Indiana Jones 4 Shows An End-Time Ritual, Tsion (The Underground City, also known as Mars, Located Under Area 51) and Pleiadians + Jessie's Blood is Linked to a Scroll, Prophecy
Spiritual Gates and Beings in the Spirit World + Emerald City (Underground, Located Under the Pentagon) + Alice, CERN, To Open the Spiritual Gates Mechanically
Old System, Goes All the Way Back to Land of Canaan + Child Trafficking, Tunnel Systems Built by the Knights Templar, Above Ground Indicators + Information on Who's Trafficking in Your Area
Health + Imprisoned MMS Creator + GiveSendGo Link (No Longer Available) + Jessie's Online Course (Additional Courses Also Available on Jessie's Website)
Holly-wood, Magic Wand of the Druids, Moses + Miley Cyrus, Disney Programming, Grand Dames (e.g. Madonna) and the Beta Kitty Sex Slave Program + Satanic Shoes with Blood in the Sole/Soul, Spiritual Warfare
Hillary Clinton and John Brennan Have Been Executed, Michael Karcok, Michael Aquino and Thomas Brady are Dead (Either Killed by The System or by Execution, Unconfirmed) + 8-Hour Recording to be Played on a Loop for 10 days, Emergency Broadcast System