The Standard Hotel + Military Analyst, 75% of DUMBs Have Reportedly Now Fallen, Earthquakes vs Underground Bombs, Different Seismic Readings + The Importance of Donald Trump, Control of the Levers of Power
Spells, Hexes and Witchy Activity + Masonic Bible, Red Flags, Ritual, Three Great Lights, Operating Under the Guise of Christianity, Brotherhood, 'Humility'
Illuminati Recruiters and Criticism from Christians Who Say Only Focus Only on Jesus + Jessie's Mischief, Engaging with Satanists, The Lord Desires That None Shall Perish + How Else do You Get Them All Out?
The Girls Have Already Been Taught Foreplay Techniques, They Take it so Far Then Run Off into the Woods, The Boys Have to Find Them, Given a Code Word in case they get Lost + Desensitization Process, Jessie's Proctor and Sex Magick
Q & A: Was the Jab a Precursor to the Mark of the Beast? + Will One Third of the Population Be Gone Before the Anti-Christ Comes? + Baptism and the Holy Spirit