1 year ago'Analysis of Weapon payload by Adam Lanza - Sandy Hook Hoax (a presentation)' - 2013Hook Worm
1 year agoSandy Hook????? Crisis ActorsTrained Players and Actors Making It Real.avi - tatoott1009 - 2012Hook Worm
1 year ago'Proof - Obama Planned 'Sneak Attack' Gun Control Long Before Using Sandy Hook' InfoWars - 2013Hook Worm
7 months agoKids KILLED at SANDY HOOK sing at the Superbowl! PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE of the HOAX!WolverinesCentral
1 year agoSandy Hook Final Report - Video Compilation Of Interior, Exterior and Yogananda "evidence" - 2013Hook Worm
2 years agoI Hate Crisis Actors. Jack Has Been Through 2 Mass Shooter Events. Sandy Hook My AssTheWarAgainstYou
1 year agoSandy Hook Investigator Threatened Part 2 - Denied ALL INFO despite using legal means! - 2014Hook Worm
2 years agoBREAKING: Alex Jones Ordered To Pay Sandy Hook Families Another $473 Million In DamagesBreaking News