4 years agoAnthony Plog Method for Trumpet - Book 1 WarmUp Exercises and Etudes 4I(4e)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years agoMarcel Barz: comment interpréter les chiffres d’une étude pour mieux vendre la campagne vaccinale.tARTE à la crême
3 years agoÉtude française. sur 27 000 cas covid "1 091 d'entres elles ont testé positif à un test sérologiqueyger
4 years agoChopin Étude op. 10 no. 3 en mi majeur - Les phrases irrégulières de ChopinSteven Massicotte
5 years agoWurm 45 Easy Etudes for Trumpet - 19 Allegro ModeratoThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
5 years ago[TRUMPET ETUDE] Charlier 36 Etudes Transcendandtes No.3 - Intervalles (Les tierces)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET ETUDE] BOUSQUET 36 Celebrated Studies for the Cornet - #13 por Helder Passinho Jr.The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET ETUDE] BOUSQUET 36 Celebrated Studies for the Cornet - #16 por Helder Passinho Jr.The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET ETUDE] BOUSQUET 36 Celebrated Studies for the Cornet - #14 por Helder Passinho Jr.The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET ETUDE] Voisin 11 Estudos para trompete - #11 por Helder Passinho Jr.The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET ETUDE] Small 27 Melodical and Rhythmical exerc. forTrumpet- #10 por Helder Passinho Jr.The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET WARM-UP] Anthony Plog Method for Trumpet - Book 1 WarmUp Exercises and Etudes 3II(3cThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET WARM-UP] Anthony Plog Method for Trumpet - Book 1 WarmUp Exercises and Etudes 2II(2g)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
5 years ago[TRUMPET ETUDE] Charlier 36 Etudes Transcendandtes No. 11 - FantaisieThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET WARM-UP] Anthony Plog Method for Trumpet - Book 1 WarmUp Exercises and Etudes 2II(2c)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels