Trump is Actively Fighting Child-Trafficking, Anti-Trafficking Summit, Ivanka Trump, Survivors, Bella Hounakey, People with Information Can Report to Them
Various High Profile Celebrities in the System. What Do They Actually Have to Do to Get There? + Cisco Wheeler's Total Mind Control Book, Theft of the Birthright Ritual, Use of Stories and Fairy Tales
Stones, Crystals, Laurie Cabot Kent, Grand High Priestesses, Vibration and Song + Demons Masquerade as Angels of Light, The Price to Pay for Magick + Miracle
Hillary Clinton's Hidden Communications, A Book by an Artist Who Creates Pictures of Demonic and Sexual Imagery + Mac Box, Possible Reference to Alison Mack, NXIVM, Sex Slavery
Jessie Had to Stash Weapons In Case Her Proctor Went Psychotic + John Brennan, MK Ultra, DNA, Experiments on Children + Trump is Aware of a Lot of This
Normalization of Slaughter, You're Told What A Good Person Does, What Secrets to Keep, Told That Defectors Deserve Death, What the Approved Narrative Is + Cathartic to Speak Out and Tell the Truth + The Anti-Christ
Protector Assassins were Called into Question by the Satanic Council + The Role of Protector Assassins, They Fight on Behalf of the Elites They Protect, Fight Against Other Protectors, Physical and Spiritual Warfare