The Halloween Ritual with Kanye West, Marilyn Manson & Justin Bieber + Jessie Sent Kanye a Message About Getting Out of the System, She Received No Reply (Is Kanye Really Out?) + High Up in the System + The Use of Energy in Rituals
The Present Status, Donald Trump, Jessie's Affidavits, Trump Has Information on Crimes Against Children and Crimes Against Humanity, That's Why They Keep Attacking Trump
The 4 P's: Phoenix, Priest, Prophet, Pindar. Obama is Now the Phoenix Having Taken George Soros' Position, Prophet, Muslim Brotherhood, Priest, Israel, Pindar, Level 100 Mason, Finances
Bohemian Grove, Altar to Moloch, Part of an Initiation, Sacrifice + Luxembourg Cathedral is Notre Dame in Paris, France + Node 9, Hidden Comms Channel, "Lucifer"