2 years agoIt is often observed here in Italy that after marriage, Ahmadi girls stop their studies is this goodQnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoWhat does Huzoor (aba) hope people will learn from the story of Alexander Dowie?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoHow do you keep Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan steadfast despite all the persecution?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoHow can we ensure that we observe Salats, recite the Holy Quran and serve faith and Humanity well?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoHow can we advise Muslims on certain weaknesses or evils and not come across as being antagonistic?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoWhat advice can Huzoor give on Climate change on a political level & what can we do individually?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoWhen Huzoor departs after touring a country, Ahmadis are extremely saddened. what are your sentimentQnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoHow does Huzoor (aba) feel about the USA tour and what did Huzoor (aba) like the most?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoWhat is the significance of an Olive tree as mentioned in the Holy Quran in surah An-Nur verse 36?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoDo you think there is a formula for all religions and their followers to work towards peace?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoIn this day and age of fear and instability, what would be your message so that there is less fear?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoWhat guidance does Huzoor have for Ahmadis who aren't able to meet you when you visit their country?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoPost COVID-19, how can we increase communication and closeness between Jamaat membersQnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoWhat can we do to prevent young girls from losing interest in Jama'at activities?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoHow can we improve the relationship between Pakistani and non-Pakistani Lajna members?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoSince Allah knows our fate, why then should we continue to work hard for our ambitions in this worldQnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoWhen will the land of Palestine be granted to the righteous ones & will true peace be established?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoWhat methods can we adopt when doing Tabligh to ensure that people join the Jama'at and do Bai'at?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoHow can we morally & spiritually train our children so that they don't fall into inferiority complexQnAWithHuzoor