Illegals are Bringing Diseases into the United States - Michael Yon; Murthy v. Missouri - Tracy Beanz; Jerome Powell Says Banks will FAIL - Dr. Kirk Elliott; Barack Obama Meets with U.K. Prime Minister - JD Rucker | The Breanna Morello Show
CBDC | "In 2007, 25 Banks Had to Be Bailed Out, a Total of $526 Billion Over 12 Months. In the Last 5 Weeks We Have Had 3 U.S. Banks Fail & We Are Already Over the 2007 Total By $6 Billion." - Beck (5/3/23)
Banking Collapse | EMERGENCY PODCAST | "FDIC Can't Handle This. The FDIC Insurance Fund Is 0.03% of Bank Deposits. $125 Billion of FDIC Liquidity Backing Up $9.5 Trillion of Deposits. If Just Two Banks Fail That's It. It's Gone."